
Client Log-In

Select on-line access from the following services:


If you would like access to these services, send a request to jeff@castlemoore.com

Ndex Systems This is a third-party service which downloads your investment account information from your custodian(s) each day. This website is for:

  • Current and historical account values and activities
  • Extensive reporting options (return analysis, tax, etc.)
  • Can be integrated with other financial institutions you deal with

CastleMoore’s portal This is a service for CastleMoore clients only. We use this as a safe and secure way to share CastleMoore specific documents and information. This website is for:

  • Your personal CastleMoore documents, like your Investment Policy Statement, Investment Management Agreements, and other compliance and regulatory documents
  • Our market commentary and news
  • Financial planning information, like your net worth and cash flow statements
  • You can use a shared folder to send us documents

Your investments are held with custodians. You can get access directly to their investor portals. These websites are for:

  • Go green option, stops delivery of paper statements (Fidelity Clearing)
  • Electronic copies of statements and tax slips
  • Daily account values and activities